Etblisse Organic Ginger Powder 有机老姜粉 50g

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👉 Etblisse Organic Ginger Powder有机老姜粉
▶️ Product Origin 原产地 : Sri Lanka斯里兰卡
▶️ Net Weight 净重量 : 50g

▶️ Product Description
~ Cold body type has been remarked as the origin of most diseases. There’s saying that goes “9 out of 10 women have cold body type”, with ladies generally have more ‘yin’ energy, coupled with habits of drinking cold drinks or prolonged exposure to air-conditioned environment, the ‘yang’ energy will depreciate further. Altogether, this could affect a woman’s fertility in the long run.
~ Etblisse Organic Ginger Powder uses slowly ground unsulphured organic ginger, featuring spicy and flavourful smack. Versatile as a spice and a herb, ginger powder can be included in your daily recipes for health rejuvenation. Better still, clinical studies have shown that ginger effectively relieves menstrual pain, pregnancy-induced nausea and knee pain, undoubtedly a health gem for ladies and elderlies!
▶️ 产品介绍
~ 寒湿体质乃百病之源。俗话说“十女九寒”、“病从寒中来”,女生天生阴气较重,爱喝冷饮或长时间待在空调室内环境更会耗损阳气,进而导致女性宫寒的问题,长久下来更会影响生育能力。
~ Etblisse有机老姜粉甄选无硫有机老姜为原料,用心磨制,味道辛辣,姜香浓郁。俗话说早上吃姜如喝参汤。姜属多功能性的食物,药食同源,为你保健路上增添多一份色彩。姜有助驱除体内寒气,令寒气无法趁虚而入。临床研究亦显示,姜有助缓和经痛、妊娠期的恶心不适及膝盖关节疼痛,必定是女性及长者的养身圣品。

▶️ Ingredient : 100% pure organic ginger root
▶️ 成份 : 100% 纯有机老姜

▶️ Suggested Consumption Method
~ Mix 1 teaspoon (2g) into warm water or plant-based milk such as oatmilk or soymilk (avoid hot water). It can also be used as a spice for oatmeal, pancake, waffles; or used to bake cookies or bread.
▶️ 建议食用方式
~ 把1茶匙(2克)加入温水稀释饮用或搭配植物奶如燕麦奶或豆奶一同享用(忌用热水)。也可充当香料搭配燕麦、煎饼或沃夫饼;也可用以烘培曲奇或面包。

▶️ Storage Method
~ Store in a cool, dry place, away from heat and direct sunlight. Use within 8 weeks after opening.
▶️ 存放方式
~ 请存放在阴凉及干燥处,避免热与阳光直接照射。开罐后需在8周内食用完毕。

▶️ Friendly Reminder
~ This is a 100% organic product, the flavour and colour of this product may therefore vary slightly due to seasonal variation.
▶️ 温馨提示
~ 此乃100%有机产品,其色泽及风味会因採收季节不同而有所微差。

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Weight 0.1 kg
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